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The 16 Signs of a Narcissist + 3 Free Bonuses - Spiral-Bound and Shipped to You (Free Shipping in US)

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Exactly What to Say to Your Narcissist to Make Them Leave You Alone

You might identify a narcissist with The 16 Signs of a Narcissist.

So I wanted to ask if you know how to talk to a narcissist?

Because there are things you can say and do to “take the edge off” their abuse immediately.

And help you get away from them.

By making you a harder and scarier target for them to abuse. Until you’re easier to leave alone than to mess with.

I know how to do this because I had 3 narcissists in my family growing up.

And recently I wrote down exactly what to say and do to protect yourself from them. Things I’ve never showed anyone before.

Then I asked 8,963 of my subscribers what narcissist problems they struggle with most. And answered their biggest questions about narcissists.

Answers to some of the hardest and most painful situations narcissists put them in.

Then I put it all together to make Narcissist Cheat Sheet.

It’s a conversation and action guide showing you exactly what to say and do around your narcissist now so they can’t hurt you.

If a narcissist is beating you up with their words and mind games now and you need to win…

Or is abusing your family…

This guide can disarm them and give you some breathing room.

By giving you exact word-for-word scripts you can use to counter them.

Then it tells you exactly what they’re going to do next before they do it. And what you should do it response.

I’ve packed my hardest hitting anti-narcissist strategies in these 36 pages.

And I’d be happy to ship you Narcissist Cheat Sheet for just $27 if you click “Yes!” below right now.

It must show you how to fight off your narcissist now or you must take your money back and keep it free forever.

Take as long as you need to see it work for you. You have unlimited time to try it out.

Click above right now to protect yourself from every evil trick your narcissist is planning to use on you.

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